Half a Dozen Ways to Change the World Post COVID-19


This year has bought huge challenges and global change as we continue to battle and then prepare for life beyond COVID-19. However, amongst these frightening times, let us not forget some of the positives.

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The strength of family and community is now stronger than ever and our spinning home that bobs about in space has ultimately had somewhat of a little environmental rest. Let’s appreciate, identify and continue to support the positive effects from this period of ‘time-out’ to build some happy new habits into our ‘new normal’!

Together we are stronger- donate your time, get to know and support your community.

There are so many community Facebook groups out there for the taking, so why not spend your Sunday evening hunting down something new to suit you?

We are part of our local community gardening group, a local team of volunteers who manage the local fruit trees and flowerbeds. As volunteers we give time during one Sunday each month to take shifts managing the beds. Obviously we cannot socialise much yet and any sessions so far this year have applied social distancing of course– but we look forward to meeting everyone properly again when things settle. Having that extra layer of community brings such positivity to lockdown life, especially here in central London. Those inevitable low days are made so much easier when you can share a wave and a smile with a fellow urban gardener on your morning walk.

If you’re already a busy bee don’t forget about the easy ways to donate!

There really are some incredible stories of small community based businesses that have been ultimately saved by heartwarmingly successful crowdfunding campaigns.
The fight for small business survival will not magically disappear when isolation rules lift, so please don’t forget about them! Keep your local economy going and stay engaged with how you can collectively sustain your neighbourhood in less time absorbing ways.

As the season changes, the temperatures fall and we enter lockdown 2.0, I have noticed an increase in local foodbank appeals in my area. Supporting the increased demand for basic needs in your community is a great place to start!

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Only buy when something needs replacing.

Let’s be honest now. I am pretty confident that a vast majority of us have enjoyed a good old clear out during lockdown. Re-kindled our love for some items, or finally accepted that it’s time to upcycle or say goodbye to the once-loved pieces?

Without the ease of going out to replace what ‘needs replacing’, I have certainly enjoyed that extra bit of space where I can now really appreciate those Items again. Let’s not break into the old habits of consumption! Do the research and choose that perfect item (or gift as we approach the festive season!) for its purpose. This is both incredibly satisfying and a great way of avoiding that wardrobe clutter.

Purchasing one fabulous item instead of many may even provide a slightly healthier budget so you can support and purchase from your favourite brands (without the fear of having to live off coupons and clubcard points in that last week before payday...)


The gardening phase doesn’t need to remain an isolation craze!

Keep it up guys! You’re looking great and it’s just so exciting to see the community put some time and pride into their balconies and gardens a little more! Gardening is not just something that’s good to pass furlough time, it’s actually incredibly important for mental health, pandemic aside.

Even if you don’t have a garden, like myself, having access to green space improves wellbeing by helping to reduce stress, manage depression and bring more focus. The process of gardening is often seen as a very meditative action. Calming our busy brains and settling into a present, conscious state ultimately makes us happier. Don’t forget the benefits of indoor house plants as the temperatures drop too!

Also…. More Green = Cleaner Air + More Habitat. The phenomenal reduction of London’s pollution levels are surely an incentive to make some changes!? As individuals we can start by staying green. London has never seen as many stars on a clear night and such happy wildlife! Last summer said goodbye to black bogies and hello to a family of blue-tits on my balcony bird feeder! ;)

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Public transport was never a healthy option anyway.

If you have still been travelling into an essential workplace this year and have been fortunate enough to avoid buses or tubes by jumping on a bike or walking then that is fantastic! You’re incredibly lucky! But before we robotically resort back to old routines just think twice. In terms of your health and your carbon footprint why would you not keep up those steps or peddle your way into your new normal? Maybe working from home more often is a long term option? This period has been tough, maybe financially, so enjoy that extra little saving on travel, get your exercise done for the day if you can, and take some pressure off the system. I really do want to empshasise that last point. As we try to gently lift these barriers it is vital we retain control over this virus and there will inevitably be a pressure on public transport as the temperatures fall. Think twice, look after yourself, others and our planet by trying to only consume when necessary in all aspects of life.

Create your own green recovery plans.

Our recovery will be the prime opportunity to rebuild greener and as an optimist, I really hope investment is placed here. As individuals why not get on with it yourself at home? Assess your own footprint. Ensure your broadband enables you the flexibility to work at home more often, if that is possible, and make time to ensure you are using the best green energy providers in your area. Sourcing locally is not a pandemic fix; it’s a long-term solution to happier community life. For example, due to the pressure on supermarkets and demand for home delivery many of us now have local vegetable boxes. Keep these coming! The quality of the produce is worth the extra few pennies, far less packaging is used, fewer miles are driven and the support for your local team is more impactful than you think! This is a broad point that you can adapt within your own home but ultimately it’s our responsibility to use this opportunity. If we continue to mistreat our Planet, it will mistreat us.

So how do you change the world?

Share your ideas and tag us @sami_k_clothing so that we can collectively make a difference!

Lots of Love

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