Colour Our Wardrobe: Our first Sami-K brand print collaboration.


Sami-K is more than the products we create, it is also about the people and the relationships involved in processes and development. Our focus to support local businesses ethically and honestly extends to our love of community engagement and creative collaboration.

We take time to ensure every little detail is sourced locally, using the highest available sustainability standards. During the design phase of our collection, the focus was to create our unique products - and some smiles - whilst generating less waste. This was also the aim for our first Sami-K brand prints and their creation was to be our first collaboration. Talented print designer and good friend Gill Chantler worked with us to create our first range of prints, which Iā€™m sure you will agree absolutely sums up fun joyful nature of our first collection.

Growing our communities and supporting one another sits at our core and I sat down with Gill (virtually of course) for a little Q&A so that you can get to know this wonderful creative a little more too.

Hi Gill, thanks so much for agreeing to do this interview! Could you let us know a little bit about yourself and your illustration and printmaking?

Hello Sami! No worries at all, I had a great time working with you and creating the illustrative prints.

I'm originally from bonny Scotland and I've been working in the design industry for around nine years now. I've always had a love of colour and sketching. Last year, I took steps into gaining a UX diploma during lockdown, and so illustrating has been a great way to relax and switch off outside of study!

Which processes or techniques do you use?

I tend to work using a wacom tablet from quick linear drawings. Once the colour palette comes in, it's quick and easy to run out multiple options and work closely with the client to select the best work and progress to the next stages, refining as you go. I enjoy a collaborative approach and always like to take on the feedback from the client, so they are happy with the end result.

How important are colourways in your printmaking?

Probably the most important aspect! As it massively informs the mood, trends, look and feel of the designs. And so I like to use a palette very early on in the designs, as feels more natural, than applying new colours at the final stages of the design process.



What are the main inspirations in your work?

Lots! I like to take things in, when I am out and about, this can be colours and trends people are wearing, design shops and art galleries. I think if you are a visual person, being out and about acts like a sort of sponge where you can observe and take those ideas into your work.

Pre-lockdown last year I was very lucky to take a mini trip to Bologna in Italy. I didn't know till I got there that is is known as 'La Rossa' or the Red City as the old buildings are made out of a beautiful soft red sandstone. These colours and memories, all help to inform and inspire my day-to-day drawings and sketches back in London so I cannot wait to be able to travel when it is safe again.

How important is it for you to work with sustainable processes or products?

Massively. It's a nice feeling, that your work will not have a negative aspect to someone else's livelihood. Through this last year, I think we are all realising more and more how interconnected we are and this will only become more important and grow over the next few years and decades. Coming from a more commercial fashion industry background, I feel that the big fashion houses have a lot of modernising to do to keep up with the increasing consumer demand for transparency and looking after their workers and suppliers across the globe.

Tell us a little about life as an independent creative working in London.

I recently started taking on work with a charity, on the UI (User Interface) and UX side (User Experience) as have recently finished a diploma in this line of work. I'm really excited to keep my skills relevant to this shifting world where learning online and technology combined with good design and colour seems to be very relevant right now! And so am excited to see where this line of work takes me.



Do you have any advice for printmakers looking to collaborate with other businesses and industries, like textiles?

Do your research and don't be afraid to reach out with a company that aligns with your values or really inspires you. You never know what may happen ;-)

Which artist inspires you the most?

Big cliche here perhaps, though Matisse(!) What a dude. Such an inspiration of bold cut out colours, which continues to inspire me in the work I make.

Who are your top three inspiring Instagram accounts to follow at the moment?

~The Fantastic independent Risograph printers in Glasgow @risottostudio

~For a vacation for the eyes without the faff of social distanced flying @seeladanse

~ Inspirational IT entrepreneur & philanthropist @damestephanie

Finally, if you had to pick the most joyful colour which one would it be?

Red. Lovely bight red. It's so eye catching on the page, and really beautiful and bold when used well in conjunction with other contrasting colours.

See more about Gill and her beautiful work:




We hope you enjoyed getting to know our creative community a little more!

If you have any further questions or an idea for a Sami-K creative collaboration do pop us a message! We love a chat!

Keep safe and well

Lots of Love

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